can sometimes be as easy as this one. Sometimes however they can be much more difficult and
they require alot more attention to details to install a trouble free change out. Make sure you know all the
local city codes as well as the NEC.I will be making a detailed video on everything you need to prepare for a more
complex change out. Like I said in the video,this one was easy!
With the proper training-you too can become one of the best.
I was looking through the help wanted ads today and notice the hugh lack of jobs.Ok yea,I follow
the news, but I had no idea how bad the electrical industry really is.Over the last 10 years I have been reading
and becomming self educated in all areas of my life.
I am currently so freaking busy with work because I looked into the future a few years ago and made a plan,set some
goals and started putting what I learned to use.I urge you to do the same.You don't need to be self employed to
maintain employment of some sort,but if that is a goal of yours,get started now.The information you find on
the videos website is FREE.Sign up for
news letters and other free offers.What have you got to loose?
"hey im starting school for this stuff next month, nice. now i can watch these videos and get a deeper
understanding. thanks so much! im so glad you exist!" You Tube viewer
E-Mail from a reader:
" Thank you for what you are doing" was the subject line.
"hello sparky,
I just ran across your youtube and website, and was very impressed. I have to say its nice to see someone doing
something about this, than bitch about it..." Toby from California